2008年11月23日 星期日

081122萬年季 獨奏 青春嶺

Mr. Su,H-C and Mr.Su,C-T are Dad & Son, on initial of the festival.

The volunteer singer

the orchestra

the night of North polar Pagoda

part of the orchestra 081122

Mr. Tien-Chu, Hsieh is the Chairperson of the Board of management of Tsoying Yaun-Di-Temple and Feng-Gu-Temple 左營元帝廟豐穀宮管理委員會主任委員謝天助先生致詞

lingo is pay attention to the performance,and grandgranduncle is share the drum.

lingo's granduncle, Mr. Su, C-T and Grandgrandaunt. They are mom and son.

The performance of Er-Hu, 胡琴, to prove the age to playing the music is not a problem.
